Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Movie Monsters essays
Movie Monsters essays The cinematic flop, Spiders, has many fictitious attributes about its main character the tarantula. I found that the movies greatest mistake was keeping the spider proportional to its weight. Hollywood seems to be perpetually failing when they create their movie monsters, and succeeded to fail with this movie also. Throughout the movie the tarantula becomes greater and greater in size. Starting out, the spider was consistent with the size found in nature. Each time a new spider was conceived it was many times larger then the last. The second spider was the size of a basket ball and showed the first symptoms of having to large of a body to support with the size of legs it had. After a few more generations the spider was the size of a house. The legs of the tarantulas legs were nowhere near the size needed to support its weight. The next problem our Hollywood creators failed to take into account is its sense organs. More noticeably towards the automobile sized generations, or the house sized generations eyes were incorrect. Both generations eyes were too large for sight purposes. As humans grow from baby to adults their eyes dont stay proportional to the bodys growth. The same law should be taken into account when building the monsters. Instead of eyes the size of basketballs and beach balls, they should be around the size of golf balls or racquetballs. The most entertaining mistake that the creator made was the way the spider moved. The first thing that caught my eye was an early generation spider that was roughly the size of a basket ball running across a pain of glass. In true life the surface of glass is to smooth for a spider its size to walk on. Later in the movie I witnessed the last generation of the spiders crawling on the side of a glass building. Given the size and weight of the spider, it would have no chance to grip the glass, and better yet the glass...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
ACT Math Questions, and What to Do About It
How You'll Get Stuck in SAT/ACT Math Questions, and What to Do About It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips So you’ve been staring at one math problem for what feels like forever, or maybe you’ve gone through your solve and none of the answer choices match what you found. Or maybe you just feel like somewhere along the way you made a huge mistake†¦. Well, never fear! Right now you might be stuck on a math problem, but we’ve all been there and there is always a way to recover. We’ll walk you through both how to recognize when you’re stuck (it’s not always obvious until too late) and what to do about it when it happens. Overall Test Structure The SAT math section and the ACT math section are designed and structured differently. Though many principles of how to solve a math problem (and how to get out of a math bind) will hold true for both tests, there are some unique pitfalls and benefits hidden in each test. So let’s look at a little background and structure for both the SAT and the ACT to give a better foundation for the kinds of ways you can get stuck on a math problem and how to get out of it. About the SAT Math Section The SAT math section requires that you put your mathematical knowledge to work in ways that may seem strange or unfamiliar to you. Most SAT math questions won't look like the kinds of questions you see on your math tests in school and this may be a challenge to deal with at first. But while the questions may be unusual, each and every math topic used on the test is one that you are likely familiar with and have studied for a number of years. If you’re not used to the structure of the SAT, there are two main ways you can find yourself trapped into the no-man’s-land of selecting wrong answers: by overestimating the difficulty of each question or by underestimating the difficulty of each question. (Yikes!) Some students get so turned around by the twisting and unusual presentation of the questions that they forget the fact that they will be familiar with most, if not every topic on the SAT math section. This kind of student tends to panic and either make wild guesses or leave many questions blank that she likely could have solved. Other students, however, go in the complete opposite direction and underestimate how tricky the questions on the SAT can be. Many questions (though not all) are set up in ways that will steer anyone who isn’t paying close attention off the right track. And all the answer choices on the multiple choice section are most often generated by common student errors, so it can be easy to fall for the many â€Å"bait†answer choices available. In the next section, we’ll show you how to tell when you’re falling into one of these traps and how to get out of it. About the ACT Math Section The ACT math section will occasionally give you a question that is set up in a strange or unfamiliar way, but for the most part, ACT math questions will be fairly â€Å"straightforward.†Do you know how to set up and solve for an average? Do you know what a rational number is? A significant portion of your ACT math questions will look just like the ones you've seen in school. Though many ACT math questions are far from easy, the presentation of the questions is not specifically designed to trick or trap you. ACT math questions are challenging mostly for two reasons: you will be on a much stricter time crunch than you would be on the SAT (see our article on the differences between ACT math and SAT math for more detail on this) and the topics in question may be more obscure to you. For instance, most students will be far less familiar with trigonometry or sequences than they are with single variable equations, but these are all topics that will be on the ACT. Because the ACT math section must be completed quickly, it's crucial that you realize when you’re going down the wrong mathematical path. So let’s take a look at how to spot it when it happens. Time is a precious resource on both tests, so it's important to change course quickly if something's going wrong. How to Tell When You’re Stuck (or Going Down the Wrong Path) Almost every math question on both the ACT and the SAT can be solved in 30 seconds or less. If you’re familiar with the material, you can absolutely solve almost every single math question with plenty of time to spare. In addition, each and every question on the test is designed in such a way that a student can solve it without a calculator. Though you should use a calculator on the test to boost your speed and accuracy, always keep in mind that you don’t technically need one. How does this knowledge help you? Well, if you find you’re going down the rabbit hole and need 30 steps to solve a problem, or if you start getting bizarre strings of decimals or weird root systems, then stop! If the problem is taking two or three minutes to solve or you think it would literally be impossible (or just really, really difficult) to solve without a calculator, then something went wrong and you should stop and go back to the beginning. Let’s look at a few examples of ACT and SAT problems and some common student errors to see this in action. Let’s say you got to this problem and were going so quickly through the test that you misread the word â€Å"area†and thought you were supposed to solve for the perimeter instead. This may seem like an obvious mistake right now, but never underestimate the effects of adrenaline and fatigue on your ability to think logically. It’s all too easy (and all too common) to make a mistake like this on the test and pay the price in lost time if you do. But if you read â€Å"area†as â€Å"perimeter,†then you would see that the â€Å"perimeter†of triangle DFH was 10, which would mean that each side was $10/3 = 3.33$. Hmm. This is already mighty suspicious. Remember- you should be able to solve any question without a calculator, so if you have decimal points, they will almost always be 0.5 or, more rarely, 0.25. To get a decimal of 0.33 is suspect. But if you kept going, you would find that each side of triangle DFH is made up of two sides of the smaller triangles. This would mean that the side of each smaller triangle was: $3.33/2 = 1.67$ Now a red alert should be sounding in your head! You’ve gotten two â€Å"weird†decimal values in a row and you still haven’t found your answer yet. It’s a good idea to pause and see if you’ve made a mistake somewhere before you waste time going any further. [Note: the way to actually solve the problem is to either find the area of each small triangle- $10/4 = 2.5$- and multiply by the total number of small triangles, or to set up a proportion of the area of DFH to AFK. Either way, your final answer will be E, 62.5] Now let’s take a look at another example, Last time, we said that perhaps you simply misread the problem. This time, maybe you thought you knew enough about the topic to solve the problem, but ended up stuck halfway through. For instance, let’s say you were familiar enough with quadratic equations to recognize that this was one, but didn’t know a whole lot else about them. Well it says that the value of $x$ is -3, so that must mean we replace $x$ with -3 and solve from there, right? $x^2 + mx + n = 0$ $-3^2 + 3m + n = 0$ $9 + 3m + n = 0$ Hmm. Well this doesn’t look promising. We could try to isolate $m$ to find it’s value, in which case we would say: $3m + n = -9$ $3m + -9 - n$ $m = -3 - {n/3}$ But we still don’t know the value of $n$, so that doesn’t help us much. We could try to factor it, but without knowing the value of $n$, we still can’t find $m$. We’re well and truly stuck. [Note: the way to solve the problem is by understanding how factoring quadratic equations works at its core. If -3 is the only value for $x$, then it must mean that our quadratic factors out to be a square. Our factors must therefore look like: (x + 3)(x + 3) for $x$ to equal -3 since $x + 3 = 0$ = $x = -3$. If we properly distribute $(x + 3)^2$, we will get $x^2 + 6x + 9 = 0$, which means the answer is C, $m = 6$.] Sometimes, you’ll be able to see pretty quickly (as with our first example) when you’re going wrong, and sometimes it will take a few steps before you hit a wall (as with our second example). But, as you get more practice solving SAT and ACT math questions, you’ll start to get instincts to feel when you’ve taken a left turn somewhere, and this is the point at which you must take a step back. But what do you do once you realize you’ve run into a problem? Let’s take a look. We can save this, not to worry. Well...probably. Pretty sure. (Gross) What to Do When You’re Stuck As you go through your test, answer your questions by following these steps: Step 1: Always Answer the Easiest Questions First As a general rule of thumb when taking the either the SAT or the ACT, always root out and answer the questions you can complete the fastest and with the most confidence. Remember- each and every question is worth one point, so it doesn’t matter if it was the easiest problem or the hardest. No one is judging how you complete your test, so don’t feel you have to ignore the simpler problems for the sake of the more difficult ones. Get your points where you can and keep moving forward. The ACT math section is arranged in ascending order of difficulty, so the earliest questions will also be the "easiest." The SAT is a little more complicated, since the math portion of the test is divided into three sections- two entirely multiple choice and one combination multiple choice and grid-in. SAT multiple choice questions are also arranged in order of ascending difficulty (so the early questions will also be "easiest"), but the difficulty level resets for the grid-in section. This means that the first question on the grid-in portion will be much easier than the last multiple choice question in that math section. Be especially careful in the combination multiple choice and grid-in SAT math section for this reason. If any question starts to give you trouble or seems to be taking a long time, mark it and come back to it only after you’ve completed all of your easy questions. Once you’ve identified these potential â€Å"problem questions,†approach them based on why they were problematic in the first place. Step 2: If You Can See Your Error, Redo the Problem Once you’ve identified that you’re going down the wrong track, stop working and read the question again. Did you try to find the wrong variable? For instance, did you solve for $a$ instead of $2a$, the perimeter instead of the area? Did you write down the wrong values for your givens? Or did you realize you simply don’t know enough about, for instance, functions to solve the problem? If you can spot your error and correct it in a few seconds, go ahead and start over and solve the problem again the right way. If you really think you can solve the problem this time, then it’s definitely worth your time to work through it again. If you can’t spot why or how you went wrong (just that you did), move on to the next step. Step 3: If You Can't See the Error, Find an Alternative Solving Method Sometimes you might know enough about the topic (or are just familiar enough with the test) to see that you don't know how to solve a particular problem in the traditional way. Now is a good time to turn to one of your alternate solving methods, namely plugging in answers or plugging in your own numbers. Let’s say that you went up against this question: Maybe you didn’t know where to begin, or maybe you attempted the problem and felt that you started getting trapped in the algebra. Well luckily, there is almost always another way to solve any ACT or SAT question! In this case, we have variables in both the problem and in the answer choices, which is a key feature for a PIN question. With that in mind, we can pick our own value for $x$ and find the answer choice that corresponds to this value. Let’s say that we said $x = 2$. (Why 2? Why not!) Now we find the value of our given function. ${x + 1}/{x^3 - x}$ ${2 + 1}/{2^3 - 2}$ $3/6$ $1/2$ Now we need to find which answer choice is equivalent to $1/2$, when we use the same value of $x$ ($x = 2$). Answer choice F gives us: $1/{x^2} - 1/{x^3}$ $1/4 - 1/8$ $1/8$ This does not match our found value of $1/2$, so we can eliminate answer choice F. Answer choice G gives us: $1/{x^3} - 1/x$ $1/8 - 1/2$ $-{3/8}$ This does not match our found value of $1/2$, so we can eliminate answer choice G. Answer choice H gives us: $1/{x^2 - 1}$ $1/{4 - 1}$ $1/3$ This does not match our found value of $1/2$, so we can eliminate answer choice H. Answer choice J gives us: $1/{x^2 - x}$ $1/{4 - 2}$ $1/2$ This does match our found answer of $1/2$, so we can keep answer J in the running. We should still test answer choice K, however, just to make sure we do not have any duplicate correct answers. Answer choice K gives us: $1/{x^3}$ $1/8$ This does not match our found answer of $1/2$. We can eliminate answer choice K. This leaves us with only one answer that matches what we found as our given when $x = 2$. This means that answer choice J (and only answer choice J) must be correct. Our final answer is J, $1/{x^2 - x}$ Step 4: If Your Alternate Solve Doesn't Work, Move On Sometimes taking a standardized test means learning to let go of a question. Your time is precious and limited, so if you can solve two questions in the time it takes you to solve one, it’s always best to solve the two. If you find yourself trapped on a question and can’t find any way to solve it, let it go (for now). If you’re taking the ACT, bubble in your best guess answer, but do so lightly enough that you can come back and change it later, time permitting. If you’re taking the SAT, simply skip the question for now (don’t bubble in a guess!) and come back later. If you have time after you’re done with the rest of your questions, come back to any that you had to skip or bubble a guess on. Sometimes all you need is fresh eyes, and then the method to solve the problem will become apparent. If you still can’t find the correct answer in any of the â€Å"traditional†ways, you can try to strategically eliminate answer choices until you’ve at least narrowed down your odds. For more information on how to do this, check out our guides for how to best guess on the SAT math section and how to best guess on the ACT math section. Otherwise, simply let it stay blank (if taking the SAT) or stick with your first guess answer (if taking the ACT). Learning to let go of a problem can be just as important as learning when to stick with a problem and try an alternate solving method. The more you practice, the better you'll get at balancing these techniques. The Take-Aways The more practice you have with taking standardized tests, the more skilled you’ll become at spotting your mistakes and heading them off at the pass. So don’t despair if it seems like an impossible task right now- you’ll get better at it. Be sure to practice on quality ACT and SAT study materials and stop if you feel any misgivings while solving any particular question. Remember- if it takes more than 30 seconds, or you think you would absolutely need a calculator, you’re probably on the wrong track. Take a breath, back up, and see where and how you can resolve the problem. And don’t be afraid to let a question go if you need to. One question won’t matter too much in the long run, but getting stuck for five minutes will absolutely take away time from other questions and have a detrimental impact on your final score. What’s Next? Worried about your math formulas? Learn which formulas you'll need to memorize for the ACT, which formulas you'll need to know for the SAT, and how to put your formulas to their greatest effect on both the ACT and the SAT. Running out of time on your math sections? Learn how to beat the clock on both the ACT and the SAT so you can reach your greatest potential in the time allowed. Trying not to procrastinate? Our guide will help you beat those procrastination urges and get you back on track. Want to get a perfect math score? Check out how to get a perfect 36 on the ACT math section or a perfect 800 on the SAT math section. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Math strategy guide, you'll love our program. Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial: Disappointed with your ACT scores? Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ashima's pregnancy experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ashima's pregnancy experience - Essay Example Therefore, Ashimas’s first pregnancy brings her significant outcomes in order to give a birth. She feels abnormal to raise a child in a foreign country. She is concerned by her first experience in the hospital, and she feels discomfort because of her family members’ absence during her pregnancy. Ashima is worried by the fact that she is going to raise a child far away from her parents. It is extremely difficult for her to give birth, and raise a child in a strange country where she knows almost nothing. Therefore, she feels lonely and more worried than anything else. Even though becoming a mother brings her satisfaction in her life just like her ancestry, â€Å"she is terrified to raise a child in a country where she is related to no one, where she knows so little, where life seems so tentative and spare†(Lahiri p.6). Ashima is also concerned with giving birth in the hospital because she has a different belief from where she hails. The fact that she is going to deliver a child where people experience extreme difficulties makes her unhappy. She thinks that giving birth in a hospital is an unnecessary experience a woman should never undergo. She reasons that women in India feel more comfortable giving birth in their parents’ house than in the hospital. For instance, she mentions, â€Å"there is nothing to comfort her in the off-white tiles of the floor, the off-white panels of the ceiling, the white sheets tucked tightly into the bed†(Lahiri p.4). For these reasons, Ashima feels strange giving birth in the hospital. Ashima feels discomfort since she lacks relatives who can support her during her pregnancy. Being pregnant in a strange country without her mother’s and grandmother’s support is the most difficult part for Ashima. She feels that she misses the most important people in her life. She has a different feeling due to the absence of her relatives during her baby’s birth. Furthermore, the birth of her baby brings her
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination Essay
Equal opportunity laws and reverse discrimination - Essay Example Taking a controversial approach with respect to reverse his termination in the workplace, this essay will prove persuasively argue that because these programs promote discrimination themselves barely defeatist, and ironically promote the same type of behavior that they seek to eradicate. We now turn to an overview of the reasons for affirmative action and then follow with a rebuttal against reverse discrimination in the work force. As mentioned above, discrimination in the workforce affects different types of people from all walks of life. Women have faced historical discrimination for years and the Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963 was established to tackle the issues associated with wage-based discrimination. Due to the prevalence of sexism today, women still continue to earn less than their male counterparts. With respect to age, older workers face a variety of challenges in the labor force and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 seeks to protect people who are 40 years of age and older from discrimination. Looking at people disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 sought to ensure the full employability of people disabilities in modern society. With respect to visible minorities in the United States, the US federal government began its attempts at combating discrimination in the early 1960s. During this period, President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10925 to i mplement â€Å"affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin." (The American Presidency Project, 2009). This was arguably the most important piece of legislation to pave the way for affirmative action in the United States. While the government has legislated many policies to tackle discrimination at work, these programs are inherently discriminatory themselves and promote exactly the type of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
List Comparing And Contrasting Benefits And Burdens Of Industrialization Essay Example for Free
List Comparing And Contrasting Benefits And Burdens Of Industrialization Essay Industrialization in the first place led to increased production, through the dynamic changes in modes of production whereby it replaced the human labor with machines. This enlarged the societies from agricultural to industrial based societies. However though beneficial these industries over time have impacted negatively on the environment as they lead to environmental pollution e. g. through their emissions of harmful oxides into the atmosphere. It led to the development of cities and towns thus contributing to rural urban migrations by people to seek jobs/ employment in the cities. This movement to towns resulted to urbanization. Since now that the industries used machines production improved and became faster. This in return impacted negatively as more items were produced in bulky, leading to reduction of their market prices, as explained by the theory of supply and demand, â€Å" the higher the supply the lower the demand†(Hamilton 1995) Industrialization also led to expansion of trade and businesses throughout the world by offering a medium of transportation i. e. through the rail roads. Due to this there was need for construction of more railroads which then created employment to the members of the society. During these constructions there was heavy clearance of vegetation, trees and forests to create enough space for building the roads and raw materials manufacturing industries. This resulted to environmental degradation as trees were fallen and the soil left bare. To add on the it resulted to pollution from the trains using the roads. Industrialization brought about new technology of learning that is writing in books, thus establishing paper manufacturing industries. This contributed to knowledge and ideas acquisition however it is disadvantageous in that it led to clearance of many tree species for pulp resulting to deforestation and species extinction. Reference Wolfgang. S, Angela. D. ( 1995). Disenchanted Night: The Industrialization of Light in the Nineteenth Century. Published by University of California Press: San Diego
Friday, November 15, 2019
Should There Be A Law Against Paparazzi? Essay -- essays research pape
How about creating a law against the use of telephoto lens and parabolic listening devices? How about creating a new crimeâ€â€One that will penalize those persisting and persuading photographers, the Paparazzi also known to celebrities as stalkarazzi who follow the rich and famous for the thousand dollars snapshot that reveals some special, intimate moment or an embarrassing one. Should there be a law rebuking such act? Should there be strict laws preventing press photographers (paparazzi) from pursuing persons who do not want to be photograph? I believe there’s a symbolic relationship that exists between celebrities and photographer; they need each other to create the aura that feeds them both. And the general public needs that aura to feed its dream and fantasies. Without the paparazzi and the tabloids that sell better than an item greatly reduced in its sale price, the famous wouldn’t be famous. The glitter would fade away into gray mist like a fog. The famous gave up a large measure of privacy for the brighter, larger world of glitter. It’s living globally, everyone knows where you are and when and also every gritty little detail of your personal lifestyle. Privacy is not part of language. Photographers do have the right to follow public figures, newsmakers, and celebrities in order to snap their photos. A line should be drawn as to peering over a wall or chasing a limo to get a picture of a celebrity. But if someone (like Princess Diana) is doing something on a front la...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ikea Case Study
IKEA Dr. Okan Geray Please read the IKEA case from the textbook and answer the following questions: 1. Explain, in detail, the aspects of IKEA strategy that make it a Hybrid strategy. A hybrid strategy is where the costs are low and the perceived benefits are high. In the case it is mentioned that IKEA is not for the rich and flamboyant but for the smart and practical people. This is clearly seen with the designs where it holds universal acknowledgement rather than cultural or national ideas.It blends into its furniture styling and design with low cost and has large stores where they guide their customers and incline them towards buying certain products that are displayed. The styling and design is then supported by low cost, on request or immediate delivery, which allows them to not only buy the product immediately but also transport them without must hassles. The flat packs allow logistical advantage and cost benefits and an informal infrastructure motivates the staff.The procureme nt is very intense and brings cost benefits and is also widely spread out across the world with suppliers in China and Sweden and their head quarters are based in Norway for tax savings. In the above ways IKEA brings higher benefits at lower costs to the consumer and therefore is a hybrid strategy. 2. Why is this strategy difficult for competitors to imitate? It is difficult for competitors to imitate because IKEA is a global furnishings company where as other competitors are highly focused into particular regions.This inaccessibility of its competitors limits its breadth of customer reach. Some of its competitors are not even specialised in furnishings but are more towards general stores there for specialisation benefits are lost. IKEA runs a strict cost cutting budget where it focuses more on costs and lesser towards design IKEA not only does provide furniture but also provide furnishing solutions where it has different variants of products to suite customer needs. It is aware of customer needs and is able to provide that at the correct price and at the same instant.The informal hierarchy forms unpredictable behaviour, which cannot be predicted, therefore cannot be imitated. 3. What are the dangers of a hybrid strategy and how can managers guard against them? There is a high risk that once the customer base has been established companies tend to drift towards increasing their products and providing additional services by charging additionally, even though this adds value to the product it alternately also adds costs which is directly against the policy of IKEA in this case.IKEA does provide additional services but with the optional additional charges which allows customers to choose cost savings Companies are also then inclined to reduce value but at the same historical price this lowers the perceived value of the product and pulls the company into the low cost category also robbing the company of its strategic advantage as a hybrid strategy player. Managers would need to recognise their hybrid strategy and their parameters that allow them to be in this category and enforce those parameters on the complete value chain.This does not imply to only the procurement and manufacturing of the products but also to the administrative aspects, such as seen with the CEO of IKEA UK. The designing of the product has been suited to the world market rather than specific market, this universal approach allows populations of different nationalities to relate to it, this collective design approach is a key factor in Ikeas marketing strategy and therefore any such products or designs favouring or resembling a particular culture unintentionally should be disassociated and discouraged.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Rocky Balboa Inspiration
To the handful of heroes I so highly regard, to choose one is a difficult task. From creative fictional works, like Indiana Jones, to very impacting historical figures, like Theodore Roosevelt, Rocky Balboa is a notable fictional character influencing my character. He is an iconic American Hero that impacts people's lives. He Is a well- known for epitomizing the underdog story and Influencing the minds and hearts of many. The depth and reliability he hold true to his values make him a superior to other characters in fictional works.Rocky Balboa, a man of masculinity, Is hardhearted with a vulnerability that allows people to see his true self. Here Is a man of no worth who Is a victim of self-inflicted misfortune with nothing to his name, but a dream; a dream to make his life better. This feat Is not accomplished overnight, through determination, hard work, and perseverance, he Is able to make his dream a reality. HIS dream Is modest for It was to not become the best, but be able to a mount to the best. He is able to go the distance and amount to something creating a Journey all can relate to. Stallion creates a character that inspires and enables the dreams of there.He exhibits values that I want to emulate. His character is one that set an example for me. Overtime I watch a Rocky movie, he inspires me to be a better man. He is my inspiration for being a person that feels like they have no place in the world. His ability to go the distance set a precedence in my minds and heart. Rocky changed me into a better man. His actions spoke to me, making me want to go the distance. He gives me a reason to live, giving me hope. He aspires to make something of himself when he, of all people, is given a chance to make his dream a reality.What he stands for is what I too would like to stand for. He taught me an important life lesson that impacted me so much when he said, â€Å"Life anti all about sunshine and rainbows, it's a cruel and nasty place that will beat you to your knees and leave you there if you let it; But it isn't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward†(Rocky Balboa). This quote carries meaning and resonates to me. He allows me to always move forward with life. Therefore making him an inspirational fictional character for all.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Rain Forests All The Way Essays - Ecosystems, Free Essays
Rain Forests All The Way Essays - Ecosystems, Free Essays Rain Forests All The Way Rain Forests All the Way The discussions these days are why are the rain forests depleting? Well this research will help change the opinions of many people. Some facts about rain forests are, Tropical rain forests occupy about 7 percent of the earths surface but harbor as much as 50 percent of the worlds plant and animal species. Also about 57 percent of all rain forests remaining are in the tropics in the Western Hemisphere: 30 percent are in Brazil. At the current rate of deforestation, tropical rain forests could be wiped out in 177 years. Less than 5 percent of the worlds tropical rain forests are protected within national parks and reserves (Steve Grant, 2). Rain forests are becoming very scarce and should be taking into concern because depletion of rain forests is a problem. One method of cutting down rain forests is slash-and-burn agriculture. Grant defines slash-and-burn agriculture as Smallholders that are cutting down four or five acres of forest and set it on fire. The resulting ash fertilizes the soils, which are notoriously poor in the tropics (1). Grant explains that now that there is only charred stumps left, a lot of light reaches the ground and is oppressively hot (1). In the past, a logger might take only a few trees per acre. While that would allow more light into the forest floor and raise the risk of fire (Grant, 2). So when people decide to cut down forests they are increasing the risk of fire. Rain forests have been burning up lately. An analysis of satellite by the EDF indicates that burning of rainforest land in Amazon increased 28% from 1996 to 1997 (Amazon rainforest, 1). Research shows A total of 19,115 fires are reported from the NOAA-12 satellite images in the sample in 1996, while 24,549 fires appear in the 1997 data over the period (1). One reason for rampant burning is that Brazils environmental agency has had no legal authority to enforce environmental law since 1989. A bill in the Brazilian congress that would close the loophole passed the Senate earlier this year, but has been blocked by special interests in the Lower House (2). So of the reasons why the burning continues is because of the government and the burning is increasing more and more because we need more land and crops. Since the statistics show that rain forest are getting burned up, the government and people need to start taking concern towards the rain forest. The point of this paper was to persuade people as a whole to take rain forest into concern and act on it. Some solutions to the problem are that the government should take better responsibility and take control of the burning of the rain forest. Also the people can help the government out by understanding the needs of our rain forest.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to spark the curiosity of the readers
How to spark the curiosity of the readers How to "spark the curiosity of the readers" Alejandro Largo is one of our recent additions to Reedsy, and a fantastic designer. You can see some of his beautiful work for a variety of academic titles over at his Reedsy profile. Fun factoid: Alejandro has worked on several covers for texts within the humanities and social sciences, including philosophy, sociology, and literature, which are of course some of the most awesome of academic disciplines, at least according to a quick straw poll of the Reedsy offices. Meet Alejandro below. Enjoy!How did you get started in design, and how did you get into book covers specifically?I was fortunate to grow up in Colombia surrounded by art and design. My father, brother and uncle all are designers. When I was young, way before I knew what graphic design was, I would use to go to my dad’s office and be amazed by the vibe of a creative agency. At that point I knew I wanted to be in a creative field. When the time came to go to college, I had the opportunity to come to New York and att end the School of Visual Arts. During the program I got really interested in editorial design, especially book design. So much that I did my internship with Simon Schuster and my first job was designing book covers and interiors for Columbia University Press.Have you done much work with independent authors? If so, is there anything different about it compared to working with a traditional publisher?I haven’t had the chance to work with many independent authors yet, but I am excited about the prospect of working more directly with the author to create the cover. With a traditional publisher there are a lot channels you have to go through to get the cover approved internally before it even reaches the author for the first time. A more direct communication could allow us to create a cover that is relevant, interesting and stands out from the standard look you see on the shelfs.Thanks for your time Alejandro.Check out Alejandro’s profile and extensive portfolio.Follow Ree dsy on Twitter , Facebook and Google+
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31
Case Study Example The answer to all of these questions is in fact quite simple. It is the respective company’s attitudes towards the employs that work for them that help to define the way the company is viewed in the marketplace and has certainly heavily contributed to the runaway success that they have been able to earn. All of these companies websites make it very clear on their careers panel that the very heart and soul of their business model rests on the thousands of employees that contribute to the larger enterprise. Far more than lip service, the success of the company combined with the marginally higher level of pay that they give to their employees as compared to their competitors help to make each of these firms into the success story that they engender today. Sadly, these cultural aspects of employment do not always correspond to the remainder of the marketplace. I distinctly recall working for more than 1 retail store that treated their employees as a disposable good. In this way, the loyalty of the employees was severely diminished and the moral that was necessary to implement many store policies was all but
Friday, November 1, 2019
Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Juvenile Justice - Essay Example Eras of juvenile court Juvenile justice therefore was solely created to rehabilitate minors. Its evolution can be classified into three major Eras, namely: the pre-juvenile era, the juvenile court era and the juvenile rights. The pre-juvenile court Era (1600-1898) Before the establishment of a separate juvenile justice system, minor law breakers were dealt with by the family and communities. The family and the community were charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the children behaved in the most acceptable manner in the society. There were no established juvenile justice systems by then. The juvenile court Era (1899-1966) The first juvenile court was created in United States by juvenile court Act passed by Illinois’ Legislature. These court replaced family and the community at large, who were responsible for minors rehabilitation. The juvenile court therefore began to exercising guardianship rights, so that it could discover and correct conditions that contributed to the minors’ misconduct Juvenile rights Era (1967-1979) Because every establishment must have its critics, pros and cons based on the analysis on ground, the juvenile court system attracted many critics. ... I have a personal conviction that the juvenile rights Era were the most productive, as it ensured fair system of justice and juvenile right protection. In the other hand pre-juvenile court era as far as I am concerned, was damaging, because in many cases parents do sympathize with their children, leading to their forgiveness, hence no rehabilitation could take place if it was left in the hands of the parents so the rule of Stare Decisis should hold. Problems facing juvenile courts today Nevertheless, juvenile courts have been faced with many challenges, both administrative and legal issues. These problems have risen significantly and taken different paths. Many critics have come out to claim that the court system of justice have not properly embraced the zero tolerance policies on crimes. Moreover, researches have shown that juveniles in the court system don't always receive the best defense and ironically those teens that have lawyers often are treated worse than those who donâ€⠄¢t. All juvenile under trail should receive legal representatives and that the lawyers must make their defenses based on the constitution and law. Bearing in mind that the juvenile justice system has been accused of passing unfair judgments and harsh punishment to minors, formidable solution must be established to help correct this. First of all, children need to be educated on the effects of being arraigned in the juvenile court because it can psychologically affect them. Here prevention programs are very important as they will lead to decrease juvenile crimes. Future of juvenile justice If prevention programs are not considered, youths might continue facing psychological problems, with mental problem not in exception. Mental health programs
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