Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of Special Education - 1555 Words
It has been two months since Tamara Assad has been in my 5th grade classroom at Phillips Elementary School. During these two months, Tamara has been struggling in various ways. According to her history, Tamara qualified for special education in Kindergarten, as she had a moderate delay in speech and language. Tamara received services to target speech sound disorder by a speech-language pathologist until May 2015. The speech-language pathologist focused on sound substitutions each grade until she was discharged with, â€Å"speech issues that persist, but considered age-appropriate.†During her time in therapy, her literacy scores were lagging 10-15 percentage points below benchmark, but were considering passing. However, it has been two years†¦show more content†¦al., 2008). Tier III is the last tier in which the student needs intensive intervention in a smaller number, as they do not benefit adequately from classroom instruction and secondary intervention. Therefore, with my knowledge on this model and my obligation to Tamara, I decided to implement Tier II in the classroom through accommodations in the three areas: spelling, vocabulary and writing. For spelling, I have aided Tamara by providing the answers in multiple choice format, allowing Tamara to select the accurate spelling of the word. In vocabulary, an alternative list has been derived with fewer words and from her reading. Lastly, Tamara has been verbalizing her thoughts for writing to a paraprofessional whom has been a teacher aide. The paraprofessional uses Tamara’s thoughts and helps put her thoughts on paper. As a teacher for 20 years, I have the required knowledge about effective school and student factors that contribute to this model (Vaugh et. al. 2008). The speech-language pathologist may believe that it is not implemented with fidelity, but that is not true. Each of the accommodations were made appropriate for Tamara, as they fit her zone of proximal development. Zone of proximal development (ZPD) is a concept that describes the distance between the child’s level of independent functioning and potential level of performance. According to this concept, it wouldShow MoreRelatedSpecial Education Law Analysis2190 Words  | 9 PagesSpecial Education Law Analysis Special Education Law Analysis Education in the United States has had a reputation of un-uniformity and mistreatment of certain groups especially students with disabilities. However, the recent past has yielded some advancement. Federal legislation has put into place three major laws that have lead to better treatment and higher quality education of students, especially those with disabilities. These laws are the Individuals with Disabilities Education ImprovementRead MoreAnalysis Of Special Education Classroom, Positive Reinforcement, Punishment, Or Extinction?1231 Words  | 5 Pages1. 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